Organization Account Activities¶
Organization Dashboard
Manage Instructor¶
- You can manage all instructors from this place
All Instructor¶
- You can see all instructors from this place
Add Instructor¶
- You can add instructors from this place
Manage Student¶
All Student¶
- Organization see his/her all students
Add Student¶
- Organization add his/her all students
Manage Course¶
All Course¶
- After successfully course upload, now organization can edit, delete course and add resources, quiz, assignments, live class, notice, certificate, discussion.
Courses Resources¶
- Resources add, delete
Courses Quiz¶
- Quiz add, view, edit, delete, publish, unpublish
Quiz has 2 types
- Multiple Choice
- True-False
- Quiz add first step:
- After successfully Quiz add you can see add question option
- Add question page you create one by one question & ans Or you can upload bulk upload
Courses Assignment¶
- Assignment list and organization can create assignment
- Assignment list and organization can create assignment
- Organization can give assignment marks
- Assignment result
Add Course¶
- For upload any course instorganizationructor need to follow some steps:
- First steps:
- Second steps (Add category, price, thumbnail image, video etc):
Course drip content, access period and old price
- Third steps (Add section and Lessons):
Note: If organization do not upload any lesson, he/she can't go to next process.
Organization can upload 8 different types lesson.
- Upload Direct Video
- YouTube Video ID
- Upload Video in Vimeo Server
- Text
- Image
- Slide Document
- Audio
- Organization can add multiple organizations:
- Final steps (Submit and review):
- SCORM Course:
Organization can iSpring, SCORM all version, xAPI (The Experience API), cmi5 (a companion to xAPI), AICC Course
Bundles Course¶
- Here is the collection of all Course
Notice Board¶
- Organization can add, edit, delete & view course notice
- Notice add form
Live Class¶
- Organization can add, edit, delete & view course live class
In dashboard organization set available status for consultation, set available type, set hourly rate, set which day
his/her off day/on day, set every day time slot
Booking Request¶
- In Booking Request organization can can approve and cancel consultation request.
Booking History¶
- In Booking History organization can can see consultation approved, completed and cancel request history.
- Organization can add, edit, delete & view course certificates
- Admin give many template and organization can add certificates from his/her panel and can edit
- If any student wants to discuss with organization through his enrolled course. Student can comment his enrolled course discussion and organization reply form here
- Here you can see all the chat
- Organization can see how mane student enrolled his/her course, total courses, total earning, total available balance, withdraw money, request withdraw amount, can withdraw from here and sales per month sales statistics.
- Organization can update his profile from here
Basic Information¶
- Here you can see all the user basic information
Address & Location¶
- Here you can see all the address and location
Zoom Settings¶
- Here you can see and manage the Zoom settings
Gmeet Settings¶
- Here you can see and manage gmeet settings