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Change Log

Version 6.3 July 2024

+ Organization panel course menubar active.
+ Error fixing.
+ Design fixing. 

Version 6.2 April 2024

+ email notifications added for all notifiable action to (student, instructor/organization and admin)
+ multi instructor discussion reply enable
+/- Consulting Purchasing Problem   fixed
+/- Stripe  fixed
+/- Number of reviews in course card    Fixed
+/- organization course upload Open Graph image added

Version 6.1 January 2024

+ Sign in with Google, Facebook, Twitter (X) branding logo added
+ Refund for organization
+ Stripe payment change to checkout page
+ Force HTTPS enable/disabled  setting added
+/- Multi instructor issue fix
+/- Course details organization name issue fix
+/- Fix IyziPay payment gateway
+/- Fix Profile Request

Version 6.0 November 2023

+ Mobile application api added
+/- Security Update
+/- Issue fix

Version 5.0 October 2023

+ Introduced the "Classic" theme with a timeless and elegant layout design.
+ Introduced the "Modern" theme, characterized by its stylish layout design.
+/- Zoom Integrate with Server-To-Server OAuth
+/- Agora live class issue fix
+/- Security Update
+/- Page Speed Optimize

Version 4.4.1 August 2023

+/- Google Meet redirect url change
+/- issue fix in area code

Version 4.4 August 2023

+ Braintree payment method added
+ Iyzico payment method added
+ Bitpay payment method added
+ Zitopay payment method added
+ compatible to LMSzai Market addon
+/- Fix multi instructor

Version 4.3 July 2023

+ SEO meta management for dynamic pages done
+ Sitemap generation added
+- Site share fix
+- All static page seo fix
+- Delete unique field issue fix

Version 4.2 June 2023

+- Organization issue fix
+- Admin panel responsive issue fix
+- Missing Deposit slip added in bank payment list
+- Manage page create/update issue fix
+- Optimize speed of query

Version 4.1 June 2023

+ Addon Installation system Added
+- Issue fix & optimize query

Version 4.0 May 2023

+ Internal Message System (Student & Teacher) (pusher/ajax)
+ In-app video call (Agora)
+ Send gift course
+ Cashback system
+ Registration bonus
+ Upcoming courses
+ Featured course
+ Auto content approval
+ Revoke access to course enrollment
+ Coming soon mode
+ Google Analytics Setting
+ Google Re-captcha integration
+ Refund system
+ Wallet system enable for student
+ Wallet recharge
+ Mark all as read button for notifications
+- Live class date issue fix
+- Organization approval fix
+- Query optimize and security added

Version 3.3.2 March 2023

+ Crypto payment gateway added.
+ Auto update from admin panel module added
+- About page fix
+- Course draft issue fix
+- Commission mismatch issue fix
+- Phone number issue fix

Version 3.3.1 March 2023

+ Footer payment image dynamic added
+- Google Meet issue fix
+- Inject patch update.

Version 3.3 February 2023

+ Refund policy page added
+ Course discount percentage added based on course old price
+ Bundle course details url seo friendly
+ Course curriculum section edit after lesson add added
+ Custom timezone added
+- Wasabi storage issue fix
+- Live class timezone issue fix
+- Security update.

Version 3.2.3 January 2023

+- Bug fixed.
+- Security update.
+- Badge issues fix.

Version 3.2.2 January 2023

+ Certificate language support added.
+ Footer dynamic option added.
+ PWA features added.
+- Bug fixed.
+- Security update.

Version 3.2.1 January 2023

+- Minor issue fixed.
+- Security and patch update.

Version 3.2 December 2022

+ Payout beneficiary added
+ Manual Payout option added
+ New Marcado Pago payment gateway added
+ New Flutterwave payment gateway added
+- Optimize query and issue fix.
+- Language issue fix.
+- Security and patch update.

Version 3.1.1 December 2022

+- Minor issue fixed.
+- Security and patch update.

Version 3.1 December 2022

+- Minor issue fixed.
+- Security and patch update.

Version 3.0 December 2022

+ Multi Instructor.
+ SCORM Course.
+ Organization Course.
+ Subscription Module. (For Student).
+ Sass Module. (For Instructor & Organization).
+ Drip Content.
+ Course Access Period.
+ Device Control.
+ Certificate Validation.
+ Geolocation Search.
+ Private Mood.
+ Email & Phone Log in.
+ Bank/Manual Payout For Instructor & Affiliate.
+ Google Meet.
+ Reword Badge For Instructor & Organization.
+ Follow/Unfollow For Instructor & Organization

Version 2.3.1 November 2022

+- Report issue fixed.
+- Security update.

Version 2.3 November 2022

+- Installer issue fixed.
+- Security patch update.
+- Language issue fixed.

Version 2.2 October 2022

+- Payment gateway security update.
+- Language issue fixed.
+- Image upload issue fixed.

Version 2.1 October 2022

+- Payment gateway issue fixed.
+- Some security issue fixed.

Version 2.0 October 2022

- Affiliate.
- My wallet.
- Add Wasabi S3, Vultr S3 Storage
+- Some minor issus fixed

Version 1.5 September 2022

+ Course Bundle Offer.
+ Instructor Consultation.
+ Language Change Settings Every Possible Static & Dynamic Content.
+ Course Forum.
+ Theme Color & Font Manage Setting.
+ Home Page Section Manage Settings
+ Course Material Lesson Upload Option ( text + image + pdf + slide + audio).
+ New Video Frame
+- Course delete issue fixed.
+- SSLCommerz payment gateway issue fixed.
+- Zoom Setting update and issue fixed.

Version 1.4 August 2022

+ Instructor edit, update, delete, onclick change status option add.
+ Student view, edit, update, delete, onclick change status option add.
+ Preloader, logo, fav icon, signup svg image support accepted.
+- SSLcommerz payment gateway issue fixed.
+- Any status hide issue fixed.
+- Course delete issue fixed
+- Instructor profile select country, state, city issues fixed

Version 1.3 July 2022

+ Image/Video upload update.
+ Cache settings in admin panel.
+ Migrate settings in admin panel.

Version 1.2 July 2022

+ Maintenance mode settings On/Live option in admin panel.

Version 1.1 July 2022

+ Add 4 payment gateway.
    1. Mollie
    2. Instamojo
    3. Paystack
    4. Bank Payment
+ Integrate new meeting software.
    1. BligBlueButton
    2. Jitsi
+ Summernote add for text field.
+ Preloader change option add.
+ Email verification on/off option add.
+- Some minor issues fixed.

Initial Release July 2022

Initial Release LMSZAI base script.